Emiliano Martin

Emiliano Martin


Website: https://www.sacramento365.com/

Blog URL: https://www.sacramento365.com/blog/

 (916) 808-7548

   1608 I Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814

Emiliano Martin is a marketing professional and lifelong Sacramentan. In the past, he played both sides of the marketing and journalism fence with supporting roles at many staples in the Sacramento community, including Capital Public Radio, Visit California and Saint John’s Program for Real Change.

With a bachelor’s in journalism from Sacramento State, staying informed on the latest happenings in the Farm-to-Fork Capital comes as second nature. In his spare time, Emiliano enjoys taking day trips throughout Northern California and taking part in the ever-expanding list of Midtown and downtown events with his friends, going on deep dives into the discographies of his favorite musicians, and can always be found with his camera at the ready.