Call for Artists: Print Radio: CapRadio's Annual Design Contest

Call for Artists: Print Radio: CapRadio's Annual Design Contest

Posted by CapRadio

Posted: May, 20, 2016

Artist Jobs - Call for Artist


 7055 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA, 95826


Print Radio, CapRadio's annual design contest, aims to champion the artistic community within the coverage area we serve. CapRadio's invite artists, designers and creators to participate in this yearly themed competition that connects public service and community.

2021 Contest Theme: Consider All Things

In early February, NPR’s longest-standing news show, “All Things Considered” received a critique from 8-year-old dino-lover Leo Shilda. In a short letter composed at the encouragement of his mother, Leo expressed his dissatisfaction with the program’s news-only focus, which excluded cooler things like dinosaurs.

"Maybe you should call your show Newsy Things Considered, since I don't get to hear about all the things. Or please talk more about dinosaurs and cool things."

While it’s true the term “senator” has appeared more than 20 thousand times over the program's 50-year span, in comparison to “dinosaur,” which has shown up 294 times, all of public media endeavors to help us explore new ideas, expand our cultural awareness and recognize diverse perspectives.

So, this year we’re asking you to show us what home, community or world looks like when we consider all things.

General Entry:
What happens when we consider all things? In media, in our communities, in our relationships — what happens when we are considered, when we are heard and when we are represented? CapRadio invites you to show us what life looks like when we consider all things.

Express this theme through any 2D visual medium (drawing, painting, design) of your choice. Original works required.

Must be of Age 13 years to enter. Winning designs culminate into a 12-month calendar offered in the fall. (12 winners to be selected).

Judge’s Choice: Honorarium of $600
One winner selected by judging committee

People’s Choice: Honorarium of $300
One winner selected by public vote

Gallery Choice: Honorarium of $100
10 winners selected by CapRadio committee

Junior Entry:
But what about dinosaurs? CapRadio invites any young person under the age of 12 to add their creative flair when submitting their depiction of California’s state dinosaur, the Augustynolophus. The winning design of the California state dinosaur will be adapted onto a very cool bandana offered during CapRadio’s fall fund drive.

Prize: $100 gift card

Important Dates:
Art Submissions: July 6-September 6 2021
Public Voting: September 10-19, 2021
Artist Notification: September 20-24, 2021
Winners Announced: October 8, 2021
Celebration Event: (Fall TBD)

Artist Benefits:
-Honorarium: Winning artists receive the aforementioned financial gift as recognition for time put forth to create an original piece of work.
-Recognition: CapRadio is northern California’s NPR-member station. Through broadcast, streaming, podcasts, digital communities, live experiences and more, we provide a trusted source of information and entertainment while strengthening the civic and cultural life of the communities we serve. Print Radio is promoted to our listenership of more than 70,000. Winners will be recognized in communications to our members, on the Print Radio dedicated webpage, in social media and in the physical calendar with an artist biography accompanying each art piece.
Impact: Participating artists of this regional competition support CapRadio by exemplifying the organization’s mission through art. This annual contest strengthens CapRadio’s connection to community and bolsters its fundraising initiatives, extending services and entertainment to the greater public. CapRadio is a not-for-profit, member-based organization.

For questions or suggestions, email