Arts and Cultural Nonprofit Recovery Grant

Arts and Cultural Nonprofit Recovery Grant

Posted by City of Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture

Posted: May, 20, 2016

Artist Jobs - Grant Opportunities


 915 I St, Sacramento, CA, 95814

Nonprofit arts and cultural organizations are a key element of the creative economy in the Sacramento County and key drivers of educational, economic, and community benefit. The City of Sacramento has set aside $2 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Reinvestment Funds with the County of Sacramento providing a match of $2 million in ARPA funds, to support a recovery grant program for arts and cultural nonprofits in Sacramento County. The application process, selection of grantees, and disbursement of funding will be overseen by the Office of Arts and Culture.

Deadline to apply is January 30, 2023.

Guidelines can be found by clicking here.

Application orientation video can be viewed here (link to youtube)