Jane Allen Ingram

Jane Allen Ingram

Jane makes art that is in harmony with nature and encourages public awareness of environmental and social issues by involving people as participants and partners in the process. She uses all natural and biodegradable materials such as handmade paper she makes from local plant waste materials and local seeds to produce continually evolving artworks. Over time the handmade paper dissolves as compost to nourish the earth, and the seeds sprout and grow to produce food and habitat for wildlife. The sculptural structures last for years until they too disappear as compost. She sets up a working papermaking studio and works with people in the community to design an art installation that suits the place and time and with suggestions and sketches from the community participants.


  Sacramento, CA

Environmental Art at Sojourner Truth Community Garden

Program description

Jane Allen Ingram sets up a working papermaking studio and works with people in the community to design an art installation that suits the place and time and with suggestions and sketches from the community participants. She will work with the gardeners at Sojourner Truth Community Garden to choose the flower seeds to use in the art project according to the colors and type of wildflowers that will be easy to grow in this place and get advice from the local gardeners about growing conditions and requirements.

Booking / scheduling contact

Melissa Cirone


Program detail
Artistic discipline: Visual
Cultural Origin:
Program type: Community Programs
Population served:
Subject: Fine Arts
Bilingual: No