JCF Mythological RoundTable® Group of Sacramento

JCF Mythological RoundTable® Group of Sacramento


Website: http://www.meetup.com/JCF-MRT-SAC/

 Sacramento, CA 95678

The Joseph Campbell Foundation’s (JCF) Mythological RoundTable® (MRT) groups are gatherings of people drawn together by a deep and abiding interest in all things mythological. Much like the Round Table of yore, it is a place where individual and community come together–a place to play, plan, create, partake in ritual, and share tales of one’s own quest with companions well met. But, the Mythological RoundTable® groups do more than just enrich the individual; they also offer the opportunity to introduce Joseph Campbell’s work to the wider community, carrying his vision off the page and out into the real world. Open to everyone interested in mythology!

The group meets monthly (usually on 2nd Saturday) for a discussion, activity, or outing based on a mythological presentation or theme. They also have a study group which meets once a month (on the 4th Friday). They are an officially chartered Mythological RoundTable® group and the first in the in Northern California, joining groups from around the world through JCF. Come and be part of the creative process and share your passion for myth.