Tower of Youth

Tower of Youth



 (916) 922-0100


Each year the Tower of Youth produces the Teen Digital Reel showcase event to exhibit the best professionally juried works submitted by the youth attending Sacramento – Sierra region wide high schools and the rare community-based after school training programs. These works document the evolving state-of-the-art available to our student community, a sensitive marker of growth, inertia, success and challenges that the educational field of digital arts media experiences.

A series of artist youth and mentor training sessions, THEATRON, are held on the campuses of CSUS, Cosumnes Rivers College and UC Davis, to precede  TDR and are open to all interested learners. These focus on overall production planning, Story Telling in Media, Sound Design and individual consultations with professionals prior to finalization and submission of the entries.

Vision & Framework of Tower of Youth:
Youth wielding the power of new computer technology will ultimately become the new “landlords” of communication arts and interconnectivity in the world. Our region’s schools and pioneering teachers are encouraged to break open, pioneer, the visual and audio learning and production pathways to the realization of major school reform!

Economic and community development are the major goals of this inevitable venture that is embodied in the organization of the Sacramento Sierra Digital Arts Studio Partnership. This multi-county regional partnership, one of five in the state, exists among high schools, community youth programs, digital media and communication technology industries, colleges, and universities was established by a new State of California law, the Digital Arts Studio Partnership Act, calling for school and after school workforce training for teen youth 13-18 years old and their mentors in emerging digital arts technology and aesthetics.