Holistic Healing Expo

Holistic Healing Expo


Website: http://www.holistichealingexpo.com

 (916) 284-5552

 PO Box 580851, Elk Grove, CA 95758

Holistic Healing Expo was established in 2008 as the result of a growing need for holistic and metaphysical healing modalities to be promoted in the southern Sacramento County communities of Greenhaven, Pocket, Laguna, Elk Grove, Galt, Wilton, Lodi and Vineyard.

The connection to Body, Mind and Spirit is so integral to the healing of a person, and sometimes, these modalities are far too overlooked in the common population that it creates a void in the knowledge and accessibility to alternative healing programs.

Holistic Healing Expo understands that the balance between the traditional and alternative, and the body mind and spirit, is important for whole wellness.

Holistic Healing Expo has embarked on bringing healing to the region and welcomes both visitors and practitioners of healing to soothe the body, heal the heart and nourish the soul.