Copilot Press

Copilot Press

Visual Art


 (916) 580-4227

Copilot Press is an independent book arts publisher. Copilot Press was delivered parcel post to a Chicago apartment complex sometime in early 2008 inside a box containing 508 original works by General Esteban Villa with signed permission to publish as desired. Upon inspection, La Stef unfolded it, excavated a blank field guide and got to work making the first in a series of books whose forms would meet the spirit of the work they encased or expounded.

In honor of its namesake, Copilot Press’ inaugural suite features the work of artists from the Royal Chicano Air Force.

Copilot Press continues in the traditions of independent publishing while producing works that speak in dialogue with rooted and transitory voices across the globe. Produced as limited edition hand-bound books or digital downloads, Copilot’s publishing and distribution methods vary according to each individual piece.