Cottage Housing Inc.

Cottage Housing Inc.

Community Service


 (916) 971-1566

 (916) 971-1636

 1726 Professional Drive , Sacramento, CA 95825

Cottage Housing develops healing communities that are solution-focused, participant-driven, and strength-based, where homeless people help themselves–and each other–through their transition from the streets to self-sustainability.

Applicants commit to sobriety, self-defined personal development goals, and voluntary service. Residents are engaged as participants rather than recipients in every aspect of program operations; and using the Resiliency Method, Cottage Housing does things with people—not for them.

CHI’s program methodology was cited by evaluation expert Bonnie Benard, MSW as a national model for adapting the Resiliency Method to homeless transitional service. The strength-based approach focuses on assets rather than deficits or liabilities. Program residents are engaged as participants rather than recipients and involved in all aspects of program operations, from tenant screening and staff hiring to community ambassadorship and corporate governance.

Doing things with rather than for program participants moves away from the provider/consumer model, and represents a middle alternative between the behavior-modification approach of traditional social service programs and the services-optional "housing first" model. Participants use the passport to self-reliance which they helped design to self-track progress toward self-defined personal development goals. The resident councils directly involve participants in defining policies, developing curriculum, assessing performance.